The average person takes 2-3 off-cycles per year during their training. These are usually during times of increased pressure or responsibilities at home like moving or the birth of a child. Most people also seem to reduce their training time when their work schedule gets loaded with extra tasks or when there is increased pressure at work. The average person is also likely to get sick during the year and this also accounts for lost training time. Last, but not least is that phase of the year when you feel burnt-out and you simply do not have the motivation to train before or after work.
So how do you get yourself going again after an off period?
There are a lot of opinions on how the return to activity should be done and none of them are wrong. It is important for you to find a way to make it fun and sustainable for yourself. Getting back into it can be tough and takes a lot of dedication, but with the help of muscle memory and a few adjustments you can be back to your old self in no time.